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Missions for Christ

Below is a list of Missionary work that NFM supports to help others and bring light to those in the darkness. 


Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”


Mission to Belize

NFM is coordinating a Mission to Belize to help bring the word to those who wish to hear it and give light to his greatness. Deacon Almen is leading the effort and coordinating with the congregation currently there, that he himself and others had help set up. Dedicating four years of his life to spreading the word of the Lord in the Belizean Jungle.

Tennessee Baptist Mission Board

The Tennessee Baptist Mission Board oversees the daily operation of the missions and ministry activities of the network of churches that make up the Tennessee Baptist Convention. More than 3,000 churches are a part of that network, serving together through Cooperative Program giving, the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions and the ministries of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board to reach Tennessee, reach the nations and change the world for the glory of Jesus Christ.

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Booths in Portugal 

David and Sarah Booth have been in Portugal since 2010 providing the word of God to those in need. Visit their page to learn about them and their congregation. 

Church Hill Medical Mission

Providing general medical care and Christian support to uninsured residents of Hawkins and Hancock Counties and the Tri-cities community in Northeast Tennessee; healing physically and spiritually as Jesus did.

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